Crop Circles - 2012 MESSAGE TO MANKIND

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Antigravity Method - John Iwaszko

This video could be a kind of study for those who are engaged in modern physics. how not?

This is indeed a very important knowledge for the physicist or the layman who really want to get into antigravity.

John Iwaszko the name of the uploader of this video. Maybe he also plays inside. which explains how like a teacher. or perhaps he was also a teacher of how antigravity "easy" to make.

This video consists of a series that includes a lot about how antigravity could actually be made. Imagine! if this technological knowledge could be in aircraft. It is simple but complicated. Isn't it?

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Amazing Crop Circles 9th Aug 2012

This cropcircle is indeed a sign that they are, the aliens have a high intelligence level. But they are trying to present the theory of a "simple". Although for most people lay on the earth, it is complicated. Unless scientists in it.

This is a kind of signal on the Theory of Fermions. And this is fermion meaning:

 “In particle physics, a fermion (a name coined by Paul Dirac[1] from the surname of Enrico Fermi) is any particle characterized by Fermi–Dirac statistics and following the Pauli exclusion principle; fermions include all quarks and leptons, as well as any composite particle made of an odd number of these, such as all baryons and many atoms and nuclei. Fermions contrast with bosons which obey Bose–Einstein statistics.

A fermion can be an elementary particle, such as the electron; or it can be a composite particle, such as the proton. The spin-statistics theorem holds that, in any reasonable relativistic quantum field theory, particles with integer spin are bosons, while particles with half-integer spin are fermions.

In contrast to bosons, only one fermion can occupy a particular quantum state at any given time. If more than one fermion occupies the same physical space, at least one property of each fermion, such as its spin, must be different. Fermions are usually associated with matter, whereas bosons are generally force carrier particles; although in the current state of particle physics the distinction between the two concepts is unclear.

The Standard Model recognizes two types of elementary fermions: quarks and leptons. In all, the model distinguishes 24 different fermions: 6 quarks and 6 leptons, each with a corresponding anti-particle.

Composite fermions, such as protons and neutrons, are key building blocks of matter. Weakly interacting fermions can also display bosonic behavior under extreme conditions, such as in superconductivity”.

But may be this is a kind of signal about the success of the research at CERN. About how they are trying to find the "God particle" in the near future. Or another theory. They teach us to a new physics knowledge. Where the scientists in this century has been able to reach.

Friday, August 10, 2012

UFO On Sun's Orbit (

The aircraft carrier space. What do think of it? Apollo ... or Enterprise (StarTrek mothership). You will be absolutely amazed to see this video. The video is also a argument to the doubts over the appearance of the aircraft carrier at the first time near the sun. In the video it's actually a lot of sightings ufo mothership. But not so interesting as this video

 The aircraft carrier with a size three times larger than the Earth is in orbit the sun. Which makes this video interesting to watch is that the spacecraft is "alive". The plane was located right above of "sun flare".

If we analyze, there are many possible that "she" to be near that point. Among them, the aircraft carrier that utilizes solar energy as an energy source for her. Look at the plane which we call a UFO out of it, that can be pointed out as an abundance of solar energy carrier.

Or in order to "keep" us as creatures of the earth, which is also one species in the universe that needs to be maintained. To avoid sunburn extinct.

And one more good reason for most is that "they" in the parent aircraft carrier, notice that they come in peace side by side with us.

Thursday, May 17, 2012


at the beginning of this video, you would not think that there is an airplane or a flying saucer to be exact. is really a view that interest.

The first impression to see this video, as if we will only see the sort of picture of the dome of the rock. but, when the video decision is a word, we will focus on one thing. such as mercury is above the dome of the rock dome. It is hard to believe. truly amazing.

we found out that it was a flying saucer, when "quicksilver" was seen to move. and watch as the plane flew leaving the place where he had stopped.

Interesting is not it?

(uploaded by EverLookUp)  

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Crop Circles - 2012 MESSAGE TO MANKIND

The new explanation of crop circles is quite interesting. Although many crop circle videos. But this video is a good explanation. The circuit description language and easy to lay audiences. Especially for those who do not know much about the chemical formula of water, soil, air, fire.

Really gives insight into the mission of the crop circle. Yang pointed out that the image circle of the park was created by alien civilizations. With the intention of giving signals or events that humanity will face in the future. Or they want to bring more information to the creatures of the earth as well as providing spiritual enlightenment.

way of explaining the video series that gives them a distinctive charm. He positioned himself as if he was an alien. This is the explanation:

"We came in peace to earth to send messages to Humans Following like you. We studied human like you very well, since you contacted us in1974 with the biggest radiotelescope in the world.

We wait for new question from Humans like you via radiotelescope. Our answer here will soon Appear (2000). 1 year later our message arrived exactly here again (2001).

 Silicium in our body, triple-helix, size: 1,08 meters, population 12 billion, other transmitter, mathmatic is same why we often use the circle as our language.

you call him "keeper of the heaven" or "king of the angels". Metatron cube describe our universe in micro and macro cMetatrons cube and 5 platonic solids. Archangel Metatron even osmos. Nature is always following tihs principle. 4 elements: fire, earth, air, water + universe (ether). The highest law in nature. All included in the "Sacret Star Tetrahedron".

Tetrahedron: 4 squares = fire. Tetrahedron was our  first complex message to you in 1991. Hexahedron: 6 squares = earth. We displayed often hexahedron (cube) to you. Octahedron: 8 squares = air. Can you see the octahedron?. Dodecahedron: 12 squares = water. We often showed you examples for this (12 squares). Icosahedron: 20 squares = universe.

Circle with 20 parts. Inside 2 times 20 rays..... harmony of the universe. Star tetrahedron: 6 two dimensional ends = key of life.

Can human understand us know or do you need more examples.
Metatron cube with star tetrahedron inside. Metatron cube + star tetrahedron different pictures possible like the evolution in nature. Mathmatics is the key to all: constant number of nature Phi = 3,141592654. All is infinety, no beginning and no ending. Even the golden mean describes life. Golden mean: constant number in nature.

We know human DNA structure from 1974 SETI and have this message for you. Prepare for new step in evolution, even the Maya told you 21.12.2012 (winter solstice). 21.12.2012, plane of galaxy, sun and earth in one allignment (each 25 800 years). A New Cycle.

This allignment has affect to the sun and huge radiation will emit the earth. An evolutionary new beginning like the Mayas told you before.

21.12.2012, plane of galaxy, sun and earth in one allignment. Begin of time of Aquarius.

Cosmic radiation will get released. Absorption of radiation. Radiation will fully enter through the earth magnetic field. Metatron cube will change its process but fits on (evolution). Metatrons cube always fit on this. Don't have any fear about that. Bird 21.12.2012 DNA change inside. The change will manipulate each female cell to a new evolutionary transformation. Not you, will change, but your sperms and your descendents. DNA is broken up at 21.12.2012 (bird=21.12.2012). A change to cells will also affect your body. We showed this so often to you (DNA-helix). DNA will change from the centre of the cell, but also the earth magnetic field will change and will fit on. Even we show you this often. The protection is there so far. Earth magnetic field is the same so far. But it will change to 180 degrees each day a little bit more step by step until humans reach a new evolutionary step. Above constellation of 21.12.2012 : end of the fifth cycle and a new step in evolution.

From this moment history will  be written new. For good one. 21.12.2012 : begin of the age of Aquarius. We tell you this change, believe there is still good out there. Conduit is closing.