Crop Circles - 2012 MESSAGE TO MANKIND

Friday, August 10, 2012

UFO On Sun's Orbit (

The aircraft carrier space. What do think of it? Apollo ... or Enterprise (StarTrek mothership). You will be absolutely amazed to see this video. The video is also a argument to the doubts over the appearance of the aircraft carrier at the first time near the sun. In the video it's actually a lot of sightings ufo mothership. But not so interesting as this video

 The aircraft carrier with a size three times larger than the Earth is in orbit the sun. Which makes this video interesting to watch is that the spacecraft is "alive". The plane was located right above of "sun flare".

If we analyze, there are many possible that "she" to be near that point. Among them, the aircraft carrier that utilizes solar energy as an energy source for her. Look at the plane which we call a UFO out of it, that can be pointed out as an abundance of solar energy carrier.

Or in order to "keep" us as creatures of the earth, which is also one species in the universe that needs to be maintained. To avoid sunburn extinct.

And one more good reason for most is that "they" in the parent aircraft carrier, notice that they come in peace side by side with us.