Crop Circles - 2012 MESSAGE TO MANKIND

Friday, August 15, 2014

UFO Landing in Germany January 2014

This is the video that many people expected. Alien aircraft were so close to invisible to the naked eye. Look at the cockpit hole is so clearly visible. This plane looks like a "normal". Like the UFO in general when viewed from the side.

But it turns out their aircraft there are various forms of difference. Try to compare with the UFO that Landed in China. Which is clearly greater in size. Why it can be said like that? Look at the second video when zooming in on this. Which in China just one "creature" who got off the plane. While in Germany the two creatures.

That makes this video unique is the two "creatures" coming out of the aircraft and chat. What makes this video "live".

Actually, who are they? The big question for us.