Crop Circles - 2012 MESSAGE TO MANKIND

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Amazing Crop Circles 9th Aug 2012

This cropcircle is indeed a sign that they are, the aliens have a high intelligence level. But they are trying to present the theory of a "simple". Although for most people lay on the earth, it is complicated. Unless scientists in it.

This is a kind of signal on the Theory of Fermions. And this is fermion meaning:

 “In particle physics, a fermion (a name coined by Paul Dirac[1] from the surname of Enrico Fermi) is any particle characterized by Fermi–Dirac statistics and following the Pauli exclusion principle; fermions include all quarks and leptons, as well as any composite particle made of an odd number of these, such as all baryons and many atoms and nuclei. Fermions contrast with bosons which obey Bose–Einstein statistics.

A fermion can be an elementary particle, such as the electron; or it can be a composite particle, such as the proton. The spin-statistics theorem holds that, in any reasonable relativistic quantum field theory, particles with integer spin are bosons, while particles with half-integer spin are fermions.

In contrast to bosons, only one fermion can occupy a particular quantum state at any given time. If more than one fermion occupies the same physical space, at least one property of each fermion, such as its spin, must be different. Fermions are usually associated with matter, whereas bosons are generally force carrier particles; although in the current state of particle physics the distinction between the two concepts is unclear.

The Standard Model recognizes two types of elementary fermions: quarks and leptons. In all, the model distinguishes 24 different fermions: 6 quarks and 6 leptons, each with a corresponding anti-particle.

Composite fermions, such as protons and neutrons, are key building blocks of matter. Weakly interacting fermions can also display bosonic behavior under extreme conditions, such as in superconductivity”.

But may be this is a kind of signal about the success of the research at CERN. About how they are trying to find the "God particle" in the near future. Or another theory. They teach us to a new physics knowledge. Where the scientists in this century has been able to reach.